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Ask Yourself This.

Each week I send an email with a question to get you thinking.


The best part? There are no wrong answers.


Have a read and see where it takes you. I hope you like it.

Writer's pictureJudith Ostronic

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

“Wait, I do that!” I said, out loud and quite proud of myself, to no one in particular.


I was reading a piece about a design tip that is old, but gaining new attention. The trick is to introduce a pop of red into a room where it seemingly doesn't belong, and voilà, the room feels new and updated.


Apparently, it's just color theory at work (ho-hum), but I agree that it feels bold to inject red into a room, or even an outfit. 


Red draws attention and says “look at me!”, whether it's in the form of a tie, a painted footstool, or Taylor Swift's red-lip-classic-thing-that-you-like. 


So where am I going with all of this? When thinking about changes you want to make, or goals you want to reach, I'm wondering what is the most courageous thing you could do?


It's not for me to say what courageous looks like. For one person that could be skydiving, for another it's dining in a restaurant alone. Maybe it's venturing out on your own professionally, or starting a side gig that feeds your personal interests. Maybe it's volunteering to run the school fundraiser, or finally putting your name forward for that promotion.


As your coach, I'm not trying turn you into a daredevil or a risk taker. What I will do is ask you to explore all of your options, from the obvious to the outrageous. Somewhere in between “that sounds doable” to “hell no!” is something you haven't tried before but could be worth a shot.


Our conversations might even create a new focal point, like an unexpected pop of red, and then, voilà, you're operating in a whole new space. 


So many things to consider. Ready to get started? 

Writer's pictureJudith Ostronic

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

In honour of International Women's Day I want to tip my hat to all those little girls out there wearing rainbow sequined tutus on the soccer field, or riding bikes, or just for the heck of it. Based on what I'm seeing around town, the tutu is the new black for little tykes and I love it.


Over the years my husband and I started collecting vintage (read: old and used) champagne glasses when we visited different countries. Pop into an op-shop or antique store and you can find some goodies. And we don't set them in a cabinet only to be used on special occasions. We drink from them, frequently, because that is their purpose.


So whether it's donning that sequined tutu that hangs on a lonely rack in the back of your closet, or finally pouring into the crystal glassware you haven't touched since the last time you hosted Christmas, what I would like to ask is, what are you waiting for?


Put a different way, when thinking about a change you want to make, what needs to happen before you decide to do something? 


Do things need to get better, or worse?


Do you need permission, funding, approval, confidence, clarity, support, or are you waiting for a gut instinct to kick in that tells you “the time is now”?


There are no wrong answers. And I'm not here to push you into action, unless, of course, you want to be pushed into action.


As your coach, I will ask you what needs to happen before you decide to do something, whatever that something is. 


And from there, we will craft a timeline, map your steps, and measure your progress as you go. 


Whether you need those sequined Converse high tops to complement that gorgeous tutu, or just need to find the right bottle of bubbles to celebrate today, I'm here for it and ready to get started.


What are you waiting for? 

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